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We're Stronger Together!

Hello, friends!


 I hope the New Year finds you well! Time to get caught up!

  So what’s new in Bar Harbor?



 Lately, I've been reading lately about establishing habits that support wellness.  By wellness, I mean all aspects of our health.  Some articles I've read make practical suggestions like going to bed early and eating more veggies.  Common sense, right? However, I am interested in the research that also considers psychological/social needs as part of our wellness picture.  Here the emphasis is on the importance of having a creative outlet and planning activities with friends.  (CUE - Knit Fit).

Combining our love of knitting with a wellness walk with friends is the core concept of Knit Fit.  Of course, we recommend that you start small, so maybe a ten minute Knit Fit walk.  Also, outside in nature has many advantages, but might not be feasible where you live!  Here in snowy Bar Harbor, you can find us knitwalking on the indoor track at the Mount Desert Island YMCA. Perhaps there is an indoor track or mall near you?


Knit/walking sounds a bit quirky, right?  I often remind knitters that historically, knitting was done on foot on the way to and from the marketplace.  Knitters combined their steps and stitches while they accomplished their daily chores.  At Knit Fit we are just dusting off an old practice.


If you thrive on routine like I do, maybe we can inspire each other to get back in the game.  Maybe 2023 is the year that you focus on your health and wellness. 

Start by thinking about your personal health and wellness intentions.  What do you enjoy doing?  Can you make time for yourself on a daily basis?  Are you willing to add a new technique, like knitwalking, to your repertoire?  Can you recruit a friend for a knit/walk?


We at Knit Fit are here for you and want to help you thrive and shine!  Let's knit/walk together for the health of it!    

"Wellness is a connection of paths, knowledge and action."     Joshua Holtz                     

PS. Maybe you are ready to try out our new pinney, a super comfy and convenient way to walk and knit!  The pinneys are featured on our products page.