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Let's keep walking and talking.........and knitting!

Hello there!

I'm so pleased to hear all the chatter about knitting and walking.  I hope you have been following the conversation at Dreareneeknits.  As it turns out, Andrea Mowry from dreareneeknits.com is an avid knit/walker.  She and I had an opportunity to meet last summer at the grand reopening of the KnitWit yarn shop in Portland, Maine.  Not only is Andrea a fellow Mainer, she also takes her knitting on regular knit/walks.      Andrea wrote about her knitting and walking pursuits in her July newsletter https://mailchi.mp/ba3d49967677/a-little-incentive?e=fcc0e9ca4c .  She was kind enough to refer to our Maine based company in her newsletter. Thank you, Andrea! I really like her knit/walking tips so be sure to check out her latest write up for projects.

While reading her newsletter, I was intrigued by her discussion of habit stacking and I followed up on her recommendation for Atomic Habits by James Clear.  Habit stacking is a strategy you can use to pair a new habit with an old habit.  So, I gave it a try this week.  I have been taking a dance fitness class at out local YMCA where our Knit Fit group meets during the winter months.  In the spirit of habit stacking, I added a yoga class to my routine since it was being held back to back with my dance class.. So easy to pair one new habit with a old habit!  I see so many practical applications for this habit stacking approach.  If you already have a knitting routine , pair it with walking.  Or perhaps you have a walking routine, you take your knitting along with you and fit in a few stitches here and there.  Or.....maybe you and your knitting friends meet for coffee at your favorite coffee shop and so you try adding a brief walk with your knitting. The idea is basically to start with a routine that you have already established and add to it. I am sure there are many creative ways you could expand on this. And now hopefully, you've added habit stacking to your bag of tricks. Let's keep on walking and talking and habit stacking!

Healthy knitting!
