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Knit Fit returns to NYC for Vogue Knitting Live 2023

Hello again!


I hope you are all out and about with your knitting, enjoying our longer days and getting some fresh air.  I always seem to feel more productive after I've been out "taking my yarn for a walk".


Well, it's been a minute or two since I've blogged.  But there is nothing like a trip to NYC for renewed inspiration.  It was a total delight to experience Vogue Knitting Live in person once again.  


You might remember that I first launched Knit Fit at the Vogue Knitting Live 2020.


This time around, I was looking for inspiration!  I attended lectures, took some classes and met up with my Vogue Knitting contacts.


I arrived Thursday afternoon by way of Amtrack from Brunswick to Penn Station, a few delays - frozen cables on track outside of Portsmouth, track construction requiring a transfer to a bus in Haverhill, etc. but of course, i was undaunted.  This was Vogue Knitting Live for 4 days, so my enthusiasm never waned!


An added bonus!  The weather was in the 50's so I was able to get my steps in from the hotel to the Marquis.


One of my first sights on my route.  NYC was aglow with Valentine greetings.


And flashback.  The Richard Rogers Theater is next door to the Marriott Marquis.  I saw Hamilton with "the guys" (husband, brother, son) on my last visit.


On arrival at the Marriott Marquis.  I immediately surveyed the marketplace, of course.


And how about this fabulous cardigan from Rowan featured on the runway at the fashion show?  The fashion shows were filled with many new looks from Shirley Paden to Vogue Knitting to Berroco.  It was a challenge to keep up!


The high point of my trip was my opportunity to meet Carson (no not that Carson) Demers .  Carson Demers wrote the knitting bible for healthy knitting - "Knitting Comfortably the Ergonomics of Hand Knitting".  I attended his lecture, on Friday - and later that day, took his class on Aching Hands and Wrists.  Carson has a wealth of knowledge stemming from his training as a physical therapist and his personal experience as a knitter.  We are kindred spirits on a path to fostering knitting wellness.  If you don't already have his book, you can order it at ergoknit.com. 


So getting back to you, my knitter.  Here’s  an important reminder direct from Carson.  Be sure to take care of the most important thing in your stash. YOU!

Be well,



P.S. There was also a quick Tarot card reading with Ana Campos from Circle of Stitches in Salem, Massachusetts that suggested a very bright future for Knit Fit LLC.  It looks like the Knit Fit revolution will be moving front and center in 2023!  Come join us!