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Establishing a Pattern or Routine

As the pandemic has stretched out for longer than perhaps any of us could have imagined, it has allowed me some time to consider what Knit Fit walking is all about and why it has such broad appeal. While leading our local Knit Fit group here on Mount Desert Island, I have discovered that the opportunity to gather and reconnect is the most compelling reason that my knitters stay committed to our weekly walks. We are grateful for the opportunity to enjoy the beauty of Acadia National park where we can safely socially distance on the extra wide carriage paths. We use this time to bring each other up to date and experience the richness of how our ordinary days are playing out. We all become fully engaged in our steps, stitches and discussions as we share our walk, our knitting, and our lives. Our free flowing conversations typically ignite feelings of joy, laughter, revelation and inspiration. As we reach the last bend, we often experience an enormous sense of accomplishment as well as community. Then we congratulate each other and ourselves as we eagerly commit to our next Knit Fit outing.

Establishing a pattern or routine is especially important during times of stress as it restores a feeling of normalcy as we all crave the continuity and predictability. Walking is one of the most easily accessible, safe and enjoyable activities we can turn to when our lives are in upheaval, and I believe that knitting while walking enhances the therapeutic experience. We know that knitters make great companions, so I am convinced that through Knit Fit outings together, we can all take steps toward a healthy knitting lifestyle!

In good health,

“We are all walking each other home.” Buddha