A Bit About Me
Hello, friend
It’s such as busy time of year, but I wanted to take a few seconds to introduce myself.
I am Michelle, the founder and creator of Knit Fit, the walking fitness program for knitters. I am most fortunate to live on Mount Desert Island, off the coast of Maine. MDI, as the locals call our island, is home to Acadia National Park. We are surrounded by dramatic natural scenery of coastline, mountains, pine forests and serene lakes. My husband and I felt it was the perfect place to raise our three sons. Trained as a music therapist, I have taught piano in my private studio for over thirty years.
Michelle sitting with two students at their recital.
A Bit About Knit Fit
I believe I belong to that class of knitters commonly referred to as “never-not-knitting” types. I begin and end each day with the act of knitting.
Not too long ago, I realized that the time I spent knitting was competing with my fitness activities. Pairing walking with knitting seemed to be a logical solution. I started Knit Fit last January as a fun way to be out-and-about with my knitting. I began coaching a group of knitters at our local YMCA where we meet on the indoor track and knit as we chat to get our steps in all at the same time! Most knitters are impressed with how easy it is to get their stitches in sync with their steps. In the warmer weather, you can find us out on the carriage paths around Acadia. We often attract the attention of tourists, who are intrigued by Knit Fit in action. We usually explain that we are “taking our yarn for a walk” That gives them something to tell the folks back home about!
I look forward to sharing more about Knit Fit down the road.
In the spirit of the New Year, here is a Knit Fit offering.
Knit/ Walk/ Smile/ Repeat
Best wishes for the New Year!